Maker No of tongs Maker No of tongs
AB - Alexander Barnet - London 1 BB - Benjamin Bickerton - London 1
ABS - Adey Bellamy Savory - London 2 BM - Benjamin Mountigue 3
AB GB - Alice & George Burrows - London 7 CH - Charles Hougham 1
AG&Co - Alexander Gardner & Co - Edinburgh 1 DC - David Crawford - Newcastle 1
AG - Alexander Gairdner - Edinburgh 4 ES - Edward Sawyer
AK - Arthur Keen? - Dublin 1 ET - Elizabeth Taylor 1
AN - Ambrose Nicklin? - Dublin 1 GB - George Burrows I 1
AP - Abraham Peterson - London 2 GB - George Burrows I 1
AR - Ann Robertson - Newcastle 1 GS - George Smith II 1
A&S - Aitchison & son - Edinburgh 1 HB - Hester Bateman 1
AS - Alexander Spence - Edinburgh 1 HB - Hester Bateman - 2 1
AZ - Alexander Zeigler - Edinburgh IB - John Bourne 1
BM - Benjamin Mountigue - London 4 IB IB - John Beedall & John Bennett - London 1
B&S - Betts & son - Birmingham 2 IF GL - John Faux & George Love 1
BT - Benjamin Tait - Dublin IG - John Gurney 2
BW - Benjamin Wilson? - London 1 IP - James Plumpton 1
CAM ERON - Alex Cameron - Dundee 1    
CB TB - Christopher Barker & Thomas Wilkes Barker - London 3 IS - Joseph Savory I 1
CM - Charles Marsh - Dublin 1 PB - Philip Batchelor 1
CN DM - Charles Neale & Daniel May - London 3 JA&S - Josiah Adams & sons 1
CH - Charles Hougham - London 7 RJ - Richard Jenkins - Exeter 1
CR - Christian ker Reid I - Newcastle 4 RM - Richard Mills 2
CR DR - C.K. Reid & son(s) - Newcastle 1 SA - Stephen Adams I 3
CQ and CWQ - Charles Quesnel 2 SC - Simeon Coley I 1
D&H - Dalyell & Hunter - Dumfries 1 SG EW - Samuel Godbehere & Edward Wigan 1
D - unknown maker - Dundee 1 TC WC - Thomas & William Chawner 1
DB - Daniel Bates - London 2 TE - Thomas Eustace - Exeter 1
DC - David Crawford - Newcastle 3 TN - Thomas Northcote 1
DD IB - David Darling & James Bell - Newcastle 1 TT - Thomas Taylor 2
DE - David Elder - Banff 1 TW - Thomas Whipham 4
DG - David Gray - Dumfries 1 TW - Thomas Wallis I 5
DL - Dorothy Langlands - Newcastle 2 TW - Thomas Wallis II 2
DP - Daniel Popkins? - Dublin 1 WC - William Chatterton 2
DS&C - Deakin Smith & Co. - Sheffield 1 WG - William Goslee 2
DU NH - Duncan Urquhart & Napthali Hart - London 14 WP - William Pinder 1
DWI - William & John Deane 2    
E - James Erskine - Aberdeen 1 DWI - William & John Deane - London 1
EB - Edward Byne - Exeter 1    
EF - Edward Fairbrother - London 1    
EH - Edward Hatton - London 1    
EJ - Edward Jackson - York 1    
EL - Edward Lees - London    
ES - Edward Sawyer - Birmingham 4    
ET - Edward Thomason - Birmingham 1    
FH - Francis Howden - Edinburgh 1    
FP - Francis Parsons - Exeter 3    
FP BG - Francis Parsons & B Goss - Exeter 1    
FP JG - Francis Parsons & Joseph Goss - Exeter    
FP SC - Francis Parsons & Stephen Crees - Exeter    
FS - Frances Stamp - London 1    
FT - Francis Trowbridge II - Exeter 8    
GB - George Booth - Aberdeen 2    
GB - George Beech - Edinburgh 1    
GB - George Burrows I - London 11    
GB - George Brasier - London 6    
GB - George Bell - Edinburgh 1    
GB - George Beech - Edinburgh 1    
GC - George Collins - London    
GD - George Day - London 3    
GE - George Easton - Glasgow 1    
GF - George Ferris - Exeter    
GG - George Gray - London 3    
GM - George Murray - Newcastle    
GN - George Nangle - London 2    
GN - George Nangle - Dublin    
GS - George Sangster - Aberdeen 1    
GS - George Smith II - London 3    
GS - George Smith III - London 6    
GS - George Smith IV - London 1    
GS TH - George Smith & Thomas Hayter - London 5    
GS WF - George Smith & William Fearn - London    
GT - George Turner - Exeter    
GT - George Thompson - Glasgow 1    
GW - George Wintle - London 5    
GW - Gabriel Wirgman - London 1    
H&S - James Hewitt & Robert Swan - Scotland 1    
HB - Hester Bateman pre 1785 5    
HB - Hester Bateman 1785-1786 6    
HB - Hester Bateman post 1786 5    
HC - Henry Chawner - London 1    
HH - Henry Hall - London 1    
HN - Henry Nutting - London 2    
HM - Henry Mouncie - Dumfries 1    
HP&C - Hampston, Prince & Cattles - York 1    
HS IS - Henry & John Sweet - Exeter 1    
HT TL - Henry Tudor & Thomas Leader - Sheffield 2    
IA - Joseph Ash I - London 1    
IB - John Brown - Newcastle 1    
IB - John Bolland? - Dublin 1    
IB - James Bult - London 1    
IB - John Blake - London 3    
IB - John Baker II? - London 1    
IB - James Berry? - Aberdeen 1    
IB TM - John Bourne & Thomas Moore - London    
IC - James Cornfute - Perth    
IC - James Crawford - Newcastle    
IC - Joshua Cooper - London 5    
ICP - John Cook Pettit - London 1    
ID - John Dalrymple - Dublin 1    
ID - James Darquits junior - London    
ID - John Death - London 1    
IE - John Edwards III - London 1    
IF - John Faux - London    
IF - John Fisher - London 9    
IF - John Foster II - London 1    
IF IW - John Ford & John Williams of Bath 1    
IF GL - John Faux & George Love - London 3    
IG - John Girdler - London 2    
IG - John Glenny - Montrose 1    
IH - John Heron - Greenock 1    
IH - Joseph Hicks - Exeter 3    
IH - John Hawkins - London 1    
IH - Jonathan Hayne - London 1    
IH - James Harmar? - London 1    
IH IP - Hampston & Prince - York 1    
IL - John Law - Sheffield 1    
II - John Jobson - Newcastle 1    
II IH - John Jobson & James Hetherington - Newcastle 1    
II IC - John Jones & John Chadwick - London 1    
IK - John Kohler I - Lonon    
IL - John Lambe - London 6    
IL - Joseph Lewis - London 2    
IL - John Lias - London 6    
IL - John Lampfert - London 2    
IL - John Leslie - Aberdeen 1    
IL - John Langlands II - Newcastle 2    
IL IR - John Langlands & John Robertson - Newcastle 33    
IL HL - John & Henry Lias - London 1    
IL HL CL - John, Henry & Charles Lias - London 1    
IL&Co. - John Love & Co. - Sheffield    
IM - John Manley III - Newton Abbot 1    
IM - John Mitchison - Newcastle 1    
IM - Jonathan Mappin - Sheffield    
IMF - John McFerlan - London 2    
IN - John Nixon - London 1    
IN - John Nicolson - Cork 1    
IP - John Purcell - Limerick 1    
IP - James Plumpton - London 4    
IP - John Priestman - London 2    
IP GP - Josiah & George Piercy - London 3    
IP IP - Jonathan & Jonathan Perkins - London 4    
IR - John Robertson - Newcastle 2    
IR DD - John Robertson I & David Darling - Newcastle 1    
IR IW - John Robertson & John Walton - Newcastle 2    
IS - James Scott - Dublin 1    
IS - Joseph Steward II - London 1    
IS - Joseph Scammell - London 1    
IS - John Steward - London 7    
IS - James Stamp? - London 1    
IS IB - James Sutton & James Bult - London    
ISN - John & Samuel Nicolson - Cork 1    
IT - unknown - Dublin 1    
IT - James Tookey - London 1    
IT - John Tweedie 1    
IT - Joseph Taylor - Birmingham 1    
IT - John Townsend - Bath      
IT - John Thompson - Sundertland 1    
IW - John Warren 1    
IW - John Watson - Sheffield 1    
IW - James Warner - Cork 1    
IZ - John Zeigler - Edinburgh 1    
JA&S - Josiah Adams & sone - Birmingham 2    
JB - James Barber - York 1    
JB - James Beebe - London 1    
JB - John Bolland - Dublin 2    
JB WN - James Barber & William North - York 2    
JB WW - James Barber & William Whitwell - York 3    
JB GC WN  Barber, Cattle & North - York 1    
JC - John Coakley - Chester    
JD - James Douglas? - Edinburgh 1    
JH - Joseph Hicks - Exeter 12    
JJ - John Jesson? - Birmingham 1    
JK - James Keating - Dublin    
JL - James Lumsden - Glasgow 1    
JL - John Legg - Exeter 2    
JLG - John Le Gallais - Jersey 5    
JM - Jonathan Millidge - Edinburgh 1    
JM - John Mackenzie - Dumfries 1    
JO - James Orr - Greenock 1    
JP - Joseph Pearson - Dumfries 1  
JP - John Power - Dublin 3    
JP - John Pittar - Dublin 1    
JP - Jonathan Perkins I 6    
JS - James Salter? - Dublin/Cork 1    
JS - Josiah Snatt - London 1    
JS - John Scofield - London 1    
JS - John Stone - Exeter 2    
JS - John Sutter - Chester 1    
JW - James Wintle - London 1    
JW - Joseph Willmore 2    
JW - James Wildgoose? - Aberdeen 1    
JW - Josiah Williams - Exeter 1    
LB - Lindsay Beech - Edinburgh 1    
MA - Miles Askew - London 1    
MC. - Matthew Craw? - Edinburgh 1    
MF RC - Matthew Fenton, Richard Creswick & William Walton - Sheffield 1    
MK - Michael Keating - Dublin 1    
MS - Mary Sumner - London 1    
MS ES - Mary & Eliza Sumner - London    
MW WB - Mary Whitford & William Ballantine - London 1    
NH - Napthali Hart - London 5    
NP - Neil Paton? - Edinburgh 1    
NS&Co. - Nathaniel Smith & Co. - Sheffield 7    
OC - Owen Cassidy - Dublin 1    
P&C - Prince & Cattles - York 1    
PB - Philip Batchelor 6    
PB AB - Peter & Ann Bateman 6    
PB AB WB - Peter, Ann & William Bateman - London 5    
PB IB - Peter & Jonathan Bateman - London 2    
PB WB - Peter & William Bateman - London 7    
PD - Phineas Daniel of Bristol 1    
PH - Patrick Hannay - Paisley 1    
PL - Patrick Leonard - Chester 1    
RB - Richard Britton - London 1    
RC - Richard Crossley - London 6    
RC - Randall Chatterton - London 1    
RC - Richard Clark - York 1    
RC - Robert Cattle - York 1    
RC GS - Richard Crossley & George Smith - London 1    
RC JB - Robert Cattle & James Barber - York 5    
RD - Richard Devonshire - London 1    
RD - Robert Dickson II - Dundee 1    
Reily - Samuel Reily - Cork 1    
RE - Richard Evans - Shrewsbury 1    
RF - Richard Ferris - Exeter 8    
RG - Robert Gray - Glasgow 1    
RG & S - Robert Gray & sons - Glasgow      
RG - Robert Gainsford - Sheffield 1    
RJ - Richard Jenkins - Exeter 8    
RK - Robert Keay I - Perth 2    
RM - Richard Mills - London 8    
RM - Richard Morton - Sheffield    
RP - Robert Peppin - London 3    
RP - Robert Pinkney I - Newcastle 1    
RP RS - Robert Pinkney & Robert Scott - Newcastle 1    
R&RK - Robert Keay & son - Perth 1    
RR - Robert Rutland - London 2    
RR - Richard Redrick - London 1    
RS - Robert Scott II - Newcastle 1    
RT - Richard Turner - :ondon 1    
RT JS - Richard Turner & John Shea - London 1    
RW - Robert Wilson - Newcastle 1    
SA - Stephen Adams I & 2 - London 15    
SB - Susanna Barker - London 1    
SB IB - Sarah & John William Blake - London 2    
SG - Samuel Godbehere - London    
SG EW - Samuel Godbehere & Edward Wigan - London 6    
SG EW IB - Samuel Godbehere, Edward Wigan & James Bult - London 3    
SH - Simon Harris - Exeter 1    
SH - Solomon Hougham - London 5    
SH SR IED - Solomon Hogham, Solomon Royes & John East Dix - London 1    
SM - Samuel Marshall - London 1    
SM - Samuel Meriton II? - London 1    
SN - Samuel Neville - Dublin 1    
SP - Samuel Pemberton - Birmingham    
SP - Sarah Purver - London 1    
SR - Solomon Royes - London 1    
SR IED - Solomon Royes & John East Dix - London 1    
SW - Samuel Whitford I 1    
SW - Samuel Wintle 6    
TA - Thomas Allen - Sheffield 1    
TB  - Thomas Barker - London 1    
TB - Thomas Burrough of Devizes 1    
TB - Thomas Borthwick - Inverness 1    
TC - Thomas Chawner - London 5    
TC WC - Thomas & William Chawner - London 3    
TD - Thomas Dicks - London 2    
TE - Thomas Evans - London 4    
TE - Thomas Eustace - Exeter    
TE IL - Thomas Evans & Jacob Levi - London 3    
TF - Thomas Freeth 2    
TH - Thomas Hayter - London 3    
TH - Thomas Harper I - London 1    
TH - Thomas Heming - London 1    
TH GH - Thomas & George Hayter - London 1    
TH RM - Thomas Hannam & Richard Mills    
TJ - Thomas James - London 3    
TK - Thomas Kirkham 1    
TK - Thomas Kennedy - Glasgow 1    
TL - Thomas Liddiard - London 2    
TL - Thomas Lamborn - Sheffield    
TL - Thomas Law - Sheffield 4    
TM - Thomas Moore III - London 1    
TN - Thomas Nash II - London 3    
TN - Thomas Northcote - London 6    
TN GB - Thomas Northcote & George Bourne - London 2    
TO - Thomas Ollivant 4    
TC WC - Thomas & William Chawner 3    
TP - Thomas Parsons - Birmingham 1    
TP - Thomas Pepper I - London 2    
TP AH - Thomas Pratt & Arthur Humphreys    
TP EF - Thomas Purver & Edward Furnice 1    
TR - Thomas Richards - London 1    
TS - Thomas Sewell I - Newcastle 1    
TS - Thomas Streetin - London 8    
TS - Thomas Shepherd - London 4    
TT - Thomas Tudor - Dublin 1    
TT - Thomas Tookey - London 4    
TT - Thomas Taylor - London    
TW - Thomas Wallis I _ London 1    
TW - Thomas Wallis II 4    
TW - Thomas Watson - Newcastle 4    
TW - Thomas Williamson - Dublin 1    
TW JH - Thomas Wallis & Jonathan Hayne - London 2    
TW SW - Thomas & Samuel Wintle - London 1    
unknown 1    
WB - William Bateman I 4    
WB - William Burch? - London 8    
WB - Wilkes Booth? - London 1    
WC - William Champion - London 1    
WC - William Chatterton - London    
WC - William Cattell - London 4    
WC - William Chawner II - London 2    
WD - William Darby - Sheffield 1    
WE - William Eley - London 5    
WE - William Esterbrook? - London 1    
WE - William Ellerby? - London 5    
WE - William Edwards? - London 4    
WE WF - William Eley & William Fearn - London 15    
WE WF WC - William Eley, William Fearn & William Chawner - London    
WF - William Fearn - London    
WF IF - William & John Fisher 4    
WH - William Hughes - Dublin 1    
WH - William Harrison I - London 3    
WH - William Hope - Plymouth 1    
WH - William Hannay - (Edinburgh) 2    
WH - William Hannay - (Glasgow) 1    
WH - William Hannay - (Paisley)    
WK SK - William & Samuel Knight - London 1    
WL - William Law - Dublin 2    
WL - William Lister - Newcastle 1    
WM - William Maddocks - London 1    
WP - William Pearce - Plymouth 6    
WPC - W&P Cunningham - Edinburgh 1    
WP WW - William Playfair & William Wilson - London 2    
WR - William Robertson - Edinburgh 2    
WR - William Ritchie - Perth 1    
WS - William Seaman - London 1    
WS - William Stroud - London 1    
WS - William Sumner I - London 4    
WS IM - William Stalker & John Mitchison - Newcastle 1    
WS RC - William Sumner & Richard Crossley - London 2    
WT - William Turton - London    
WT WW - William Turton & William Walbancke - London 1    
WW - William Welch - Plymouth Dock    
WW - William Welch - Exeter 9    
WW WP - William Welch II & William Parsons - Exeter      
WW - William Woodman - Bristol 1    
WW - William Whitecross - Aberdeen 1    
WZ - William Zeigler - Edinburgh 1    
YG&H - John Younge & Co - Sheffield 1    


Hester Bateman pointed bowls
Hester Bateman circular bowls
Hester Bateman acorn bowls
Hester Bateman - over-struck by "TL"
George Burrows I maker's marks
George Smith III - maker's marks
George Wintle maker's marks
John Fisher maker's marks
John Priestman maker's marks
Sarah & John William Blake maker's marks
John Blake maker's marks
Thomas Dicks maker's marks
Thomas Northcote maker's marks